As has happened so often on this trip, there was a jolt of familiarity when we saw the sign to Children Relief Ministry. After viewing so many pictures and videos over the years it was a real thrill to see the children at CRM and the facility.
Hawa, CRM's first high school graduate is a really beautiful girl who has great plans for her future. She has applied to University of Liberia and is awaiting word on her acceptance into a program to study nursing. She wants to become a nurse and provide health care to the children at CRM. She is very determined and CRM administrator, Sam Kargbo, is working to insure that her tuition is fully paid by CRM donors. Obsrving her interaction with the students at school, it is very clear that she has a natural ability to care for children. She is a gentle, loving young woman adored by her younger "siblings"orphans.
CRM School serves not only the 48 orphans at CRM, it is also a free school open to the community. There are a total of 322 students who attend and we were pleasantly surprised to find that the teachers are quite well qualified. CRM's Third Grade Teacher, Mr. Gbah, and four of his CRM colleagues attended the LOEP teacher training at Lott Carey school last week. The group eagerly participated and did very well - so well in fact, that Mr. Gbah will receive additional training support from LOEP to help him train other teachers at CRM. Several CRM teachers, including Mr. Gbah, attend a teacher training institute here in Liberia. Their tuition to the teaching school is paid by CRM as a sort of valuable employee incentive and they are extremely conscientous about their work and their studies!
It was a great day and our LOEP board is so gratified to know that sponsoring teacher salaries at this community school allows teachers the opportunity for a teaching education and children in the community an opportunity for free school. Liberia's govenment schools are not free and, in fact, are somewhat expensive. Mission schools such as CRM take up the slack by providing free or reduced-fee schooling in their communities. Liberians are determined to rebuild their nation and they know education is the key. Parents here make huge sacrifices to see that their children can go to school.


I cannot imagine how you all must have felt driving onto the property at CRM and seeing those beautiful kids. What a thrill! I think I can speak for all of us here at home when I tell you that you've done an excellent job of "taking" us with you. Come home safe, we miss you and love you all.