One very cold day in October, Emmalee and I worked in brother-in-law Keith Turner's poultry barn cleaning, stacking and wrapping several hundred used school chairs bound for an orphanage in Liberia. They were different sizes from adult down to little ones for pre-schoolers. As we worked we talked about our vision of school children in Liberia using the chairs in their classrooms. How cute we knew the little ones would be and how serious and intent the older students who were returning to school so hopeful of a future without war. It was a lovely day of work, companionship and shared dreams about Liberia that we have both carried with us since then.
Yesterday we visited Alfred and Agnes Memorial Orphanage. It was a powerful, moving and unforgettable experience for all of us. Brenda, the only member of our LOEP team who has been to AAMOM, is so enthusiastic and positive about the work going on there.
We arrived at AAMOM and were escorted to the chapel where the children were assembled for a welcoming ceremony seated in their chairs from the Virginia poultry barn. A beautiful welcoming ceremony followed and the children presented their gift of song to us. Full descriptions of this event will have to wait - each guest felt God in some way - the impact is still so powerful it is difficult yet to sort through emotions to find words. The pictures will have to do for now.


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