The rubber trees are planted in straight rows and all have little balck rubber "cups" attached near the base of the trunk to catch the seeping sap (latex) when the tree is tapped. When the cup is upside down it means the tree has been tapped and when right side up it is awaiting tapping. The tree leaves are all brown now waiting for the rainy season which starts in mid-May. The leaves will green up then but now it is "winter" for them.

This is the river bank at Shiloh Baptist Church from where many have been baptized since the lat 1800s when the church was built. The historic church and site is quite beautiful and the area very peaceful. Before the war, people used to to call and sing to each other across the river.

Brenda's husband Aurelius joined her here in Liberia (he lives/works in saudi Arabia) for this week. He hosted a lovely brunch for all of us at a lovely resort in Careysburg, an historic community about an hour from Monrovia. Pictured, l. to r. Emile, Emmalee, Phylis, Brenda, Beth, Nazarene Tubman, Elsie Bush (Brenda's mother) and Aurelius. Nazarene is a friend of LOEP. She has distributed our medical supplies through her non-profit organization (based in Maryland, U.S.) Caring Hands for Liberia. Nazarene has recently returned from her U.S. home in Maryland to live in her former home in Liberia.

The view from the old Shiloh Baptist Church on the banks of the St. Paul River is beautiful. The church is no longer used and is somewhat abandoned. A beautiful site and worthy of preservation! The view across the river is of Monrovia. When we leave Monrovia to return to our place in Brewerville, we pass over the St. Paul River and enter into Virginia County (like crossing the Potomac from D.C. into VA). Liberia is divided into counties, each with it's own name, some of which ar very familiar (Virginia, Maryland, etc.) So many of Liberia's place names are familiar because so much is named for places that freed slaves who settled here knew from their lives in the U.S.
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