Vice Principal for Administration is Pandora Banks. Ms. Banks, Rev. Sam-Peal, Rev. Fuller (Chaplain of Lott Carey) had two training sessions on Strategic Planning with Beth. The group will develop a 5 Year Strategic Plan for Lott Carey Mission School to carry the institution forward into the future.

The Nursery Class worked with the Counting Bears set that Phylis designed for the mobile classroom. They enjoyed the plastic colored bears and they are such smart little ones!

This is the Nursery Class (pre-K) with their wonderful teacher. Miss Harvey. This class is so much fun! The children are quite awestruck at the sight of us but even that cannot distract them from Miss Harvey and her terrific instruction methods.

Now that the training is over, the Lott Carey students have returned to classes for the new semester. We had the pleasure of spending the day on campus yesterday for their first day back. Phylis and I taught in the morning, did some observing, and met with a few teachers for one-on-one evaluations.
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