Part of my job on the LOEP Team is documentarian so yesterday I took a walk to see a bit of the community surrounding the Lott Carey School campus - something to document. I have noticed a community pump near the school entrance is a busy spot and yesterday I made three new friends there. Approaching the pump area, I noticed three young girls sitting on a log in the shade. They had just drawn a bucket of water and were taking a rest before returning home with it. Of course, the camera in my hand seized their attention and that was it - we were friends. We giggled and laughed as they took turns mugging for the camera and the oldest girl took the camera for a while and figured out the whole focus and photo composition thing on her own.
The middle girl hoisted her water bucket (full to the brim) to her head without spilling a drop and they followed me back to school. We met their mommy on the path. She graciously let the girls come back to the training site with me for a few more photos. They returned at lunch time and were joined by several other children who were on their way home from neighboring schools. They all happily shared a heaping plate of rice and potato greens and 3 Librian donuts.
I expect my new friends will be there this morning waiting for us to arrive. This is very exciting for them to have foreign guests, lunch with teachers and a camera to play with! It is also very exciting for me to have new Liberian friends!
It is interesting to see that children up to about age 10 automatically reach for the hand of the bigger person (even if only slightly bigger) they are walking with. I have not seen accompanied children running ahead of parents or dawdling along behind. They always hold hands and walk along with purpose. Walking is the main mode of transportation.
Will try to post the pics.


Can't wait to see the pics of your new friends. Great move to give THEM the camera! As Andrew has said over and over: if you think you have taken enough video/still pictures? you have not! take as many as you can. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Come home safe to us. We love you and are so proud!
ReplyDeleteI second what Gary said yesterday. Seeing you in the pictures so happy, reading your words - what a blessing for us all!