We arrived Friday evening and even in twilight we were struck by changes and improvements since our visit to Liberia last year. The first striking change was the smooth, two-lane road all the way into Monrovia. No more pot holes!
New buildings, cleared areas where displaced persons formerly lived as squatters and small garden plots are just some signs of progress that we saw.
Saturday morning we had a wonderful reunion with our friends at Lott Carey Mission School. The teachers have made excellent progress in their classrooms and improvements at the school are so amazing that a report on those exciting improvements will have to wait for a separate blog entry.
Sunday morning (today) we visited Effort Baptist Church with Rev. Sam-Peal and enjoyed all of our old favorite hymns sung and played in African style. The pastor’s message seemed to speak directly to our first impressions these past two days…
Keep Moving Forward!
PS - The internet connection is too slow right now to post pictures. Will try again tomorrow!


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