Our teacher training team will be working with teachers from Lott Carey Mission School and CRM and AAMOM - the two orphan schools we have been working with these past few years. The training plan is based on building a solid foundation for a self-sustaining professional development program. We will be training teachers for eight days and, at the same time, preparing some teachers to carry out ongoing training of their peers and colleagues after we are gone.
We have researched and developed a resource library that Lott Carey can use as the foundation for a Professional Development and Training resource for Lott Carey's teachers. The resource library will also be made available to teachers at the orphan schools and other mission schools. The library is packed and ready to go with us - it has more than 200 documents and weighs more than 100 pounds. Plans are to continue adding to that library as we send school supplies and other instructional materials to Liberia.


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