There is no Christmas tree here but this party really exemplifies the Spirit of the season. Even though this event took place last month, the story is a wonderful example of the Spirit of Giving and the wonder of childhood we all feel this time of year.
Seven-year-old Emily (pictured above), and her twin brother Jack (pictured below) celebrated their birthdays last month each with their own party. Jack and Emily know about LOEP and they have expressed some particular interest in the "orphan" aspect of LOEP work with questions about the orphans, their school, where they live, etc. Their interest turned to concern when they learned of children who may not know their parents or their own birth date, and who have so little that the gift of a box of crayons or a new pencil is a memorable childhood event.
The twins decided their Birthday was the perfect opportunity to act on their concerns and make a difference in the lives of others. Jack and Emily asked each of the birthday guests not to bring Birthday gifts for them but to instead bring school supplies to send to children in Liberia. The six year old Birthday kids made this unselfish and thoughtful decision themselves because they decided they had "enough stuff already and did not need more"! From all reports Jack and Emily had a great time planning their birthday parties and at one point Jack was asked if he was excited about the coming event. He replied, "yes, but I am really excited to see what everybody brings for the orphans!"
The Birthday parties were a great success and both Jack and Emily were excited about the gift "haul" of school supplies. LOEP was excited too and the supplies are packed in our luggage for the January training trip. Along with the crayons and pencils we will give special greetings from Jack and Emily to their new friends in Liberia.
Thank you, Jack and Emily for your great Birthday Idea!


Jack and Emily - you are very special children with amazing hearts! Your parents must love you very much to be teaching you to care about other s also and must be soooo proud of you both. Happy belated birthday!
ReplyDeleteYay Jack and Emily!! I hope you both had wonderful birthdays, really cool that you shared with so many and awesome that you are teaching other people about orphans in Liberia! -Leah
ReplyDeleteJack and Emily are angels without wings. Thank you for sharing your hearts with the children of LOEP!