Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Back to School!

School re-opening has been postponed until February 16 in Liberia to give schools time to  conform to new health standards that include installing Handwashing Stations and providing disease prevention measures to screen students and teachers for Ebola symptoms.  In addition, schools are required to institute disease prevention and health curriculums geared to Ebola prevention.  Many schools, closed for months and without revenue during the closure, are struggling to meet the new regulations in time for opening.

LOEP donors have responded to the new challenge since the  re-opening was announced.  More than 60 new LOEP Handwashing Stations are being distributed to schools and clinics in rural Liberia.  The Handwashing Stations will help schools meet the new health requirements in time for the February 16 opening date.  LOEP has also provided "no contact" thermometers for health screening of teachers and students to monitor for symptoms of illness.   This is a new disease prevention measure that has been put in place because of the Ebola crisis.
Rosa Allen, LOEP's Volunteer Field Officer, works with LOEP's teacher volunteers preparing the Handwashing Stations for distribution to schools in time for School Re-Opening!